Sunday, November 25, 2018

Is Universe Real or illusion?

Download Important Scriptures on Advaita philosophy/Nondualism school of Hinduism ——

I am omnipresent, infinite, unlimited and unchanging pure consciousness of bliss and peace. I have no boundaries or forms. I am of the nature of freedom myself. I do not belong to anyone, neither does anyone belong to me.

God is another word for Ultimate/absolute reality. God defines the real nature/ reality of our own self/soul. It is common and underlying truth independent of individuals’ mind, thoughts, imaginations, senses (eyes, nose, tongue, ears & skin), object of senses( Vision, smell, taste, sound & touch/texture), five elements and the Universe. The Ultimate reality/God is always one infinite, formless, unchanging, indescribable pure consciousnesses.That which seems like space to human senses is nothing but infinite pure consciousness/reality of mind. All the religions say that God is one, that does not mean it is separate from us. It means consciousness that is revealed by questioning the mind is 'only one'. God is the reality of self, both existence and non-existence, words, the meaning of words, mind, thoughts, body, five senses, five elements, matter and content of the universe.

Realizing God (Brahman - Wikipedia) is a continuous process at the end of which the cycle of questions and answers merge into one another and becomes one. It is the process of finding the underlying reality of words, the meaning of words, colors, and forms. God also called as the Ultimate reality in Vedas/Upanishads is hidden in the snare of words and forms. The more people tend to use words to describe God (Brahman - Wikipedia) the more they are likely to fall in illusion and snare of words (Arguments). The best way to realize the ultimate reality is self-inquiry and devotion to God (Brahman - Wikipedia) assuming it to be everywhere, unchanging, present eternally by identifying our self with God alone.

The word Bhakta is opposite of Vibhakta. The meaning of the word Vibhakta is separate and the meaning of Bhakta is the one who is not separate or is in the state of oneness with another. When a person identifies themselves as Bhakta, they consider themselves to be one with the Supreme God.

The universe itself is God (Brahman - Wikipedia) but it is not exactly as it appears to five senses. The five senses do not present the true nature of the Universe. Just like a person in darkness mistakes a snake on the rope and gets panicked by assuming the existence of the snake as real in the same way a person under the influence of ignorance mistakes the changing phenomenal world on the screen of unchanging infinite Consciousness/Brahman/Impersonal God/spirit (Brahman - Wikipedia). That person sees the Universe to be different from God/spirit (Brahman - Wikipedia) and falls into a cycle of illusion by considering changing universal phenomenon as real. Both existence and non-existence are the creation of consciousness, so they cannot be applied to consciousness itself. The ultimate reality Spirit/Brahman (Brahman - Wikipedia) is beyond existence and non-existence.

The ultimate reality is eternal (present at all times in the past, present, future) and omnipresent(present at all places and directions). It is present everywhere inside, outside and over the boundaries of everything. Reality is unchanging, infinite and unlimited without any forms, colors, and boundaries.

The illusion is a limited consciousness/mind. Whatever that is limited by, quantity, time, space is an illusion just like a mirage in a desert. Whatever that comes under the influence of time and change is unreal. That which is dependent and relatively existing is always an illusion. The illusion has a beginning and end. Reality/God is without beginning and end.

The self of God is like space – that which appears/seems like space is the consciousness of God. Whatever that exists is existing relative to the empty/consciousness of space. Space is different from light, darkness and matter. The existence of light, darkness and matter are relative to the consciousness of space. We are part of space, but we all are consciousness too, so the absolute space is consciousness itself.

Hindu Scriptures mention that the self of God is like space. ————Man is a creature of his *Kratumaya* (क्रतुमयः, will, purpose). Let him, therefore, have for himself this will, this purpose: The intelligent, whose body is imbued with life-principle, whose form is light, whose thoughts are driven by truth, whose self is like space (invisible but ever-present), from whom all works, all desires, all sensory feelings encompassing this whole world, the silent, the unconcerned, this is me, my Self, my Soul within my heart. Chandogya Upanishad 3.14.1 - 3.14.3

" Anusmrteh cha" [Brahm Sutra - II.ii.25:]

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